New Features for Stores
- Ace-Stihl SKU converter updates
- Edit project addresses from Customer module
- Edit additional locks via Inventory Importer
- Rich Rewards coupon lookup
These features are available to stores running the build ending in 7596.1 and higher.
Ace-Stihl SKU Converter Updates
Paladin’s Ace-Stihl SKU converter utility includes an updated part catalog. This should reduce the number of parts that require manual editing.
- Spend less time in the back office
- Offer full Stihl selection
Open the Stihl SKU Conversion Utility knowledgebase article
Ability to Edit Project Addresses from Customers Module
In order to increase the efficiency of customer management, stores now have the ability to add and edit project addresses from the Customers module.
- Update multiple accounts without leaving the Customers module
- Add multiple addresses to a project
To access this feature, go to the Customers module and choose a customer. Select F4 Projects & Authorized Signers.
Open the Customer Projects knowledgebase article
Ability to Edit Additional Locks via Inventory Importer
In order to enable stores to operate as efficiently as possible, Paladin now allows all inventory locks to be edited in Excel using the Inventory Importer. This includes:
- Supplier lock
- Supplier Ratio lock
- Cost lock
- Price lock
- Class/Subclass lock
- Department lock
- Mfg Part number lock
- Unit of Measure lock
This is available to both single and multi-stores and does not require any additional configuration.
Read the Single Store Inventory Import knowledgebase article
Rich Rewards Coupon Lookup
Leverage the power of Rich Rewards by ensuring customers are aware of available coupons. Paladin now has the ability to show a customer’s available coupons during checkout.
- Excellent customer experience
- Increase customer loyalty
This feature is enabled by default.
Read the Rich Rewards knowledgebase article
To request training on these features or any other topic, in Paladin go to Help > Support > Submit a Help Request and choose the Request Training category.