Paladin News
Quarterly Recap – January 2021
In the past quarter, Paladin Data Corporation has featured how technology supports HR, the success of one of our valued clients, and more.
The Future of Retail: Is Your Store Ready?
Business as usual is history. Retail trends that emerged during the pandemic will continue in 2021. Stores need to adapt to the new future of retail.
Simple Steps to Creating a Small Business Budget
Surprisingly, many small businesses don’t develop a working budget. Here are four reasons putting together a small business budget is a good idea.
Industry News – January 2021
Here are some recent notices and news stories from the retail industry.
Tech Buzz – January 2021
New features available in Paladin POS include a simplified admin access process and an easy way to check stock on hand availability for Do it Best stores.
Paladin People – CJ June
Meet your point of sale security guard, CJ June. As our Managed Services Director, he protects your data from viruses, identity theft, and fraud.