Is switching to Paladin expensive?
No. Paladin is a low monthly subscription service with nominal upfront cost. Many customers find that using the features in Paladin increases profits considerably, which more than offsets the subscription fee.
Will switching to Paladin be easy?
Yes. We will assign you a dedicated account manager who is responsible for walking you through the “go live” process. Additionally, we provide both remote and on-site training. Paladin is easy to learn, allowing cashiers to start ringing up sales after as little after minutes of training.
Does Paladin require a long-term commitment?
No. Our agreement is month to month.
Is it difficult to transfer my inventory, customer data, accounts receivable, etc. to Paladin?
No. While we assemble your system, our technicians prepare your data for installation on to your new system. After your data is converted and thoroughly verified by our technical team, it will be installed for you.
Will I have to pay for software updates?
No. As a subscriber, you’ll receive all Paladin software updates free of charge. You’ll always be running on the latest version of Paladin Point of Sale.
Can someone from Paladin come to my store and set up the new system?
Yes. Installation service is available.
Does Paladin allow split payments?
Yes. Paladin can split multiple forms of payment on a single transaction.
If I cancel my subscription, do I keep my data?
Yes! We’ll even help you create a backup of your data before deactivating Paladin.
Does Paladin run on Microsoft Windows?
Yes. Microsoft is the leader in business computing systems. As a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner, we use a variety of Microsoft technologies to deliver a flexible and stable point of sale system for your business.