Electronic Payment Processing
Fast and Secure Options for
Credit Card Processing and Cash Discounting
The Benefits of Single-Point Electronic Payment Processing Really Add Up
You need to run your payment processing through your point-of-sale system to ensure the greatest level of accuracy and efficiency for both processing and reporting. Using an external machine to process credit cards is unnecessary, introduces risk, and slows down the customer checkout process.
Payment processing is built into Paladin Point of Sale. With Paladin you get best-in-class integrations with industry-leading processors that enable you to accept multiple payment types per sale while keeping rates low, security high, and transaction speeds fast. Additionally, you get a single point of contact for support when you need it. The benefits really add up.
Your Paladin project manager will get you set up with the platform that meets both your needs and customers’ expectations.
We’ve got you covered.
Security, Speed and Accuracy
Payment card transactions require the latest security. Paladin offers everything you need to take your payment processing and security to the next level.
Blazing fast transaction speeds
Fully compliant with the latest security requirements
Always up-to-date with the latest technology
We strongly recommend that you protect your internal payment card transmissions with a form of point-to-point encryption (P2Pe), end-to-end encryption, and tokenization for your payment cards on file.

End2End Encryption – Keeps You Secure
Credit card data is encrypted as it moves between your store and the credit processor making it useless to cyberattackers.
EMV or “Chip Cards” – Adds Another Layer of Protection
Increased security for you and your customer. Chip cards are nearly impossible for thieves to counterfeit.
Considering Cash Discounting?
Paladin also provides an option for cash discounting.
This is another way to give your customers payment options
and help to expedite the checkout process while keeping rates as low as possible.
Call Paladin Sales to learn more about how cash discounting works
at 800.725.2346 and press 1.